
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Alabama teacher Bob Grisham, football coach  and psychology teacher at Lauderdale Country High School, got suspended until the end of the year and will go sensitivity training for calling Michelle Obama's posterior fat. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner was forced to aplogized one time when overheard over the phone saying the same thing.

So what does Michelle Obama and her fans want us to say? Should we lie and act like it's not true. It's no big secret that Michelle Obama is a big woman, bigger than Obama, and her posterior exactly fits her body frame, nothing to be ashamed of nor to rattle her self-esteem. But emotionally fragile adults in America, a trait common among Democrats, have become word police and are dictating the American public what word to say and what not to say. If fat or big is offensive, do we need dictionary all the time to find "acceptable" words like enlarged or expanded. Instead of butt, should we use medical term gluteus maximus or posteior to make it less offensive.

When Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, George Bush and Ronald Reagan were called all kinds of nasty names no decent or educated human being would utter, there was no demand for firing or call for an apology. Beacause in the adult world of conservatives, name calling is a losers tactic and the usual juvenile strategy commonly used by liberals when they cannot win debates or issues, therefore instead of talking about issues they would resort to name calling..

It's pathetic teachers could get suspended for commenting on Michelle Obama's posterior ( as if it's asecret) and yet you don't hear of teachers getting fired for producing half of high school graduates in America can't read or write. Instead of educating American kids, they are more busy acting as members of Michelle Obama's fans club making sure her self-esteem is being protected from any damage of criticism.

Copyright 2013

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